Any questions? Give us a call or write to us.

International Operations

The unique MR Diagnostics Incubator System nomag®IC, has been produced since 2003 and used worldwide in many clinics.  LMT Medical Systems GmbH headquarters are located in the hanseatic city of Luebeck, Germany.  A subsidiary was especially formed in the USA in order to tend to the USA clients.

Torsten Lönneker-Lammers, who holds a Master’s degree in engineering, has always been the managing director of LMT Medical Systems GmbH.  Since 2014, Geratherm Medical AG has been included as a majority shareholder of LMT Medical Systems GmbH.

In the upcoming years the company will expand.  At the moment, 20 qualified employees are responsible for development, production and international sales.  LMT Medical Systems GmbH is always looking for qualified personnel with specialized backgrounds.

Collaboration with the University of Luebeck
and the Luebeck University of Applied Sciences

Research and development play an enormous role in this progressive company.  The company is strategically situated within close proximity to the University of Luebeck and the Luebeck University of Applied Sciences, potentially giving rise to new possibilities and collaborations.

The Luebeck medical engineers have worked together with large companies such as Siemens and Philips for many years. The patent protected MR Diagnostics Incubator System is compatible with the MRT-equipment from GE, Philips and Siemens.

Events & Exhibition Schedule

Here you will find information about our participation in events and dates of the trade fairs in which we participate.

Wednesday, 02/26/2025

Austria Center Vienna
Bruno-Kreisky-Platz 1
1220 Vienna, Austria

Hall X4 Booth 428

Saturday, 05/10/2025
Wednesday, 09/24/2025
Sunday, 11/30/2025

Current news

Here you will find news about our offers and our activities.

LMT´s Youtube Channel "NEW Video online"

produced by Maastricht University Medical Center, Netherlands. Please subscribe to our Channel LMT MEDICAL SYSTEMS GMBH.

World Prematurity Day 2022

On November 17, 2022, it was that time again: World Prematurity Day 2022

For the International Day of the Premature Baby, the company building of LMT shone in purple light. This year, too, in the dark month of November, buildings and clinics were illuminated to draw attention to the concerns of the families affected, even beyond national borders. The company LMT Medical Systems is very concerned that even the smallest among the people, a healthy start in the still so young life is made possible.


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Certification for China

LMT Medical Systems GmbH has received certification for China. This allows further expansion of the worldwide network.

Here you can download the brochure:


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World Prematurity Day 2020

Informative graphic for the World Prematurity Day 2020.

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Dept. of Neuroradiology and Dept. of Psychiatry, University of Lübeck
Examinations performed with DT Flex Coil
First International Selfish Brain Conference 2006, February 23rd - 24th, Media Docks, Lübeck