MR diagnostics incubator system
A technical masterpiece: nomag®IC Advanced
With the ground-breaking development of their MR diagnostics incubator for the transport and MR examination of infants, Luebeck’s own LMT Medical Systems GmbH has revolutionized pediatric radiology. Situated at the intersection of radiology and neonatology, the system allows premature babies and unstable newborns to be transported directly from the NICU into the MR suite for examination by optimal, non-invasive Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Before, infants with intensive medical care needs, and especially babies born before the 37th week of pregnancy, were unable to undergo an MR examination safely.
Even better functionality in a new generation
In this new generation, the MR Diagnostics Incubator System nomag®IC Advanced, LMT Medical Systems GmbH has brought functionality many steps forward. Patient access and noise protection in the MR scanner were improved, a wider patient bed and reduced overall weight of the incubator. Just as with previous models, the life-sustaining incubator provides the required ambient temperature and humidity level for the baby, optimizing protection during transport and the MR examination.
Cooperation with the leading MRT manufacturers
The nomag®IC Advanced is compatible with the devices of the leading MRT manufacturers. It can be easily attached to the corresponding MR devices. The functional reliability has been officially tested and approved.
A multi-channel head coil ensures exceptional picture quality. Any brain damage can therefore be detected quickly. The basic equipment also includes a trolley with an independent power and gas supply for convenient transport to the radiology department.

16-channel head array coil 1.5 / 3.0 T
The MR Diagnostics nomag®IC Advanced comprises a dedicated head coil. This allows for the precise recording of the brain. As a further product, LMT offers a separate body coil.
- 16-channel Array, cylindrical, receive only coil
- High-resolution MR brain scans of new and premature born
- babies up to approx. 3 months with head circumference of approx. 42cm
- Perfect for scanning intubated patients
- Improved SNR and image homogeneity:
- 35% increased SNR compared to 8-channel Array coil (e.g. Siemens Skyra)
- 17% enhanced field of view compared to 8-channel Array coil
- Approved for use within MR diagnostic incubator systems nomag®IC and nomag®IC Advanced
Compatible with leading MRI devices like Siemens, Philips, GE
Further details upon request
Change of technical specification without notice

8-Channel Head Array Coil 1.5 / 3.0 T
The MR Diagnostics nomag®IC Advanced comprises a dedicated head coil. This allows for the precise recording of the brain. As a further product, LMT offers a separate body coil.
- High resolution MR scan of the brain of premature and newborn babies up to circa 3 months or about 40 cm head circumference
- 8-channel coil, cylindrical arrangement and pure receiver coil.
- Approved for use in MR Diagnostics Incubator Systems nomag®IC and nomag®IC Advanced
Compatible with leading MRI devices like Siemens, Philips, GE
Further details upon request
Change of technical specification without notice

age: 12 days
weight: 2,700 g
size: 50 cm
Sequence parameters
T2-weighted Spin Echo /
TR=6400ms / TE=93ms /
25 slices / d=3mm /
TACQ=03:32 min

age: 12 days
weight: 2,700 g
size: 50 cm
Sequence parameters
T1-weighted Spin Echo /
TR=460ms / TE=17ms /
32 slices / d=4mm /
TACQ= 02:21 min / R=2
age: 12 Days
weight: 2,700 g
size: 50 cm
Sequence parameters
T2-weighted Spin Echo /
TR=6400ms / TE=93ms /
25 slices / d=3mm /
TACQ= 03:32 min

12-Channel Body Array Coil 1.5 / 3.0 T
Premature babies often come into the world with not yet fully developed organs. Therefore, these organs are often limited in their functional capabilities and very prone to illness. Complementary to the MR Diagnostics Incubator System nomag®IC Advanced there is a multi-channel body coil, with which detailed pictures of the chest and abdomen of the small patients can be made.
- 12-Channel Coil, consisting of 2 elements, which can be used as one or in combination:
1. Part integrated in the lying surface (8-Channel)
2. Part as separate coil (4-Channel) - high resolution MR scan of the body of premature and newborn babies up to a weight of about 4,500 g
- Approved for use in MR Diagnostics Incubator Systems nomag®IC and nomag®IC Advanced
Compatible with leading MRI devices like Siemens, Philips, GE
Further details upon request
Change of technical specification without notice

age: 12 Tage
weight: 2,700 g
size: 50 cm
Sequences parameters
T2-weighted Spin Echo /
TR=4360ms / TE=100ms
16 slices / d=3mm
TACQ= 03:17 min

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Then please contact our service directly under or phone +49 451 • 580 98-0
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