MR Imaging of Newborns by Using a MR-Compatible Incubator with Integrated Radiofrequency Coils – Initial Experience
Stefan Blüml, Philippe Friedlich, Stephan Erberich, John C. Wood, Istvan Seri, Marvin D. Nelson; Radiology 2004; 231:594-601; © 2004 RSNA
To meet the needs of term and preterm neonates undergoing magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, an MR-compatible incubator with air, temperature, and humidity regulators and integrated radiofrequency coils was evaluated. Nine brain, tow cardiac, and two pelvic examinations were performed by using a 1.5-T clinical MR imaging unit. The axillary temperature of the newborns varied by less than 0.8°C, their vital signs remained stable, and no complications were encountered. The diagnostic quality of images obtained with the MR-compatible incubator was superior to that of images obtained with the standard MR imaging equipment. The use of an MR-compatible incubator for examinations of ill neonates is feasible and safe and yields excellent MR images.